So as the shepperde wacchith vpon ther sheep
The hoote somyr / the coolde wynterys myght
Spiritual heerdys / shulde take keep
crystes foolde / with al ther ful myght
By vertuous doctryne / as they ar holde of ryght
To save ther sogettys from wolvys fełł rygour
heretikys / quenche nat the lyght
crystes feith / nor of Iust mesour
heerdys with sheep / shul walke in good pasture
And toward nyght / sewrly sette a foolde
Isaak and
Iacob / a ful pleyn figure
That wer shepperdys / wyloom be dayes oolde
Which lyk
prelatys and
bysshoppes as I toolde
The staatys have sett / in charyte shal governe
THat ryght and mesure / shal holde vp the lant
erne •
Strong as
herculees / of manhood ⁊ of myght
I am set here / to stondyn at dyffence
wrong to represse / and to suppoorte ryght
With this burdo
un / of sturdy Violence
Out vnto alle / that wyl doo reu
To alle the staatys / sett here in
portrature •
I shałł to hem / make no resistence
That be gou
ernyd / Iustly be mesure •