a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Measour is Treasour:
British Library Harley 2255 Verses

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f.145 verso
Folio 143 VersoFolio 144 RectoFolio 144 VersoFolio 145 RectoFolio 145 VersoFolio 146 RectoFolio 146 Verso

Folio 145 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
Rekne vp phesyk with ałł ther letuaryes
Grocerys / mercerys / with ther greet habundaunce
Expert surgeyns / prudent potecaryes
And ałł ther wayghtes peysed in ballaunce
Masouns carpenterys / of yngelond and of ffraunce
Bakerys browsterys / vyntenerys / with fressh lycour
Ałł set at nought / to rekne in substaunce
Yiff peys or weyghte / doo lakke or Iust mesour
Ploughmen carterys / with othir laborerys
Dichers delverys / that greet travaylle endure
Which bern vp ałł / and haue doon many yeerys
The staatis alle set /heve in portrature
On goddys wyłł / and also by nature
Alle Oon ymage / diuers in ther degree
Shulde be alle oon / by recoord of scripture1
Be large mesour / of parfight charyte
ffro yeer to yeer / thexperience is seyn
Ne were the plough / no staat myght endure
The large feeldys / shulde be bareyn
No corn vp grows / nor greyn in his verdure
Than to suppoorte / nor beeste in his nature
ffor which we shulde / of trouthe for our socour
Wourshippe the plough / sithe euery creature
Hath of the ploughman / his lyffloode be mesour
  1. The EETS edition capitalizes "scripture" here, but there is no indication in the witness that this is the case.