a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Measour is Treasour:
British Library Harley 2255 Verses

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f.144 recto
Folio 143 VersoFolio 144 RectoFolio 144 VersoFolio 145 RectoFolio 145 VersoFolio 146 RectoFolio 146 Verso

Folio 144 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
Myghty Emperours1 / noble wourthy kynges
Pryncis / Dukys / Erlys and barounys
Ther greete conquestys / ther surquedous rydynges
But ther be mesure / in ther conducyounnys
That attemperaunce conveys ther renownys
Rekne vp the noblesse / of euery conquerour
What a vaillith al ther pocessiounnys
But ther ende conclude / in Iust mesure
Kyng Alisaundre / that gat al myddyl erthe
Affryk / Ayse / Ewrope / and eek ynde
And slowh Porrus / with his dreedful swerde
Þat in his conquest / mesure was sat be hynde
ffor which ys lordys / lefft vp your eyen blynde
The stoon of paradys / was ffyn of his labour
In al his conquest / haue þe wel in mynde
Was sett ferre bak / for lak of Iust mesure
Knyghthood in Grece / and Troye the cite
Took hys principlys / and next in Rome toun
And in cartage / a famous greet cuntre
Recoord of hanybal / and wourthy Scipioun
The greete debaatys / and the devisioun2
Among these kyngdammys / by marcial labour
Ffynal cause / of ther destruccioun
Was fawte of vertu / and lakkyng of mesure
  1. There is a slight pen mark crossing the first "p" here, hidden partially by the red underline.
  2. The EETS edition has "divisioun" here, but it is clear the second glyph is an e.