a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Measour is Treasour:
British Library Harley 2255 Verses

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f.144 verso
Folio 143 VersoFolio 144 RectoFolio 144 VersoFolio 145 RectoFolio 145 VersoFolio 146 RectoFolio 146 Verso

Folio 144 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
To knighthood longith the chirche to suppoorte
Wydewys and maydenys and poore folk to diffende
Men in ther ryght / knyghtly to recounfoorte
To comoun profight / myght and day entende
ther lyff / ther good / manly to dispende
To punysshe exorcioun raveyne and ecħ robbour
And brynge alle / vnto correccioun
That be froward / vnto the Iust mesour
Trewe Iuges / and sergeauntis of the lawe
ffor hate or frenshuppe / they shal ther doomys dresse
With oute excepcioun / and ther hand with drawe
ffro meede and yifftes / alle surffetys to represse
Holde trouthe / and sustene Rightwisnesse
Mercy preferre / alwey to for Rigour
That fals for sweryng / haue there noon interesse
ffor lak of trouthe / and lak of Iust mesour
So Egally / ther doomys to avaunce
Of god and trouthe / alwey to takyn hede
And cambises to haue in remembraunce
That was slayn / be cause that he took meede
Of poore folk the causys they shałł speede
To moordre nor theffte / they shal doo no favour
In al ther doomys / of conscience to dreede
That ryght goo not bak / aquite nor mesour