Meyris sherevys /
aldirmen cunstablys •
Which that governe /
bourghes and
citees •
Kepith your
fraunchise / and statys p
That moost avaylle may to the
comountees •
In no wise lese nought your libertees
Accorde ecħ man / with his trewe neyhbour
As ye ar bounde / to hiħ and lowħ degrees
That pays and wheyghte / be kept and Iust mesour
Among your silf / suffre noon extorcio
let no wrong be doo / vnto the poraylle
On theffte / and manslaughte / doo execucio
Beth weel providid / for stuff and for vitaylle
let no devisio
Salamon doth co
With Inne your silf holde no socour
And for a resour which greetly may avaylle
Among alle thyng kepe peys and Iust mesour
marchauntys / that ferre cuntrees
With al ther greete rychesse / and wynnynges
Artificerys that at hem abyde
So ferre castyng / in many sundry thynges
And been expert in wondirful konnyngges
Of dyvers crafftys / tavoyden al Errour
What may avaylle / al your ymagynynges
With onte p
uns of weyghte and Iust mesour