MEn wryte of Oold / how mesour is tresour
And of al grace / grou
nd moost p
Of vertuous lyf suppoort ⁊ eek favour
Mesour conveyeth / and governyth ałł
Trewe examplayr / and orygynałł
to estaatys / of hyħ and lowe degree
In ther dewe ordre / for in especiałł
Alle thyng is weel / so it in mesure be
Mesure is roote / of al good policye
germayn / vnto discrecio
poopys prelatys / it beryth vp the partye
Them to Conduce / in hyħ perfeccio
to leve in prayour / and in devocio
yeve good exa
unple of / pees and vnite
That al ther workys / for shoort conclusio
With trewe mesive / may co
mmendid be
Al ther doctryne / nor ałł ther heolynesse
nnyng language / wisdam nor science
Studye on bookys / in prechyng besynesse
Almesse dede / fastyng nor abstinence
Clothe the nakyd / with with cost and dispence
Rekne alle these vertues / compassio
un and pite
Avayllith nought / pleynly in sentence
But there be mesure / and parfight charyte