a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum:
Cambridge Jesus College Q.G.8 Verses

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f.22 verso
Folio 20 RectoFolio 20 VersoFolio 21 RectoFolio 21 VersoFolio 22 RectoFolio 22 Verso

Folio 22 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
Whan with his triumphes moost singuler glorious .
My son had foughten with his bloode precious .
Conquerid þe dragon for all his fel poste .
And dryue hym home to his infernal hous .
Whan fyrst my son was nailed to a tre .
Lat euery man in þis matter take hede .
And euery woman in þis worlde a lyue .
Come nere to me to seen his woundis blede .
His loue his deth his kyndnes to discryue .
To se þe misteries of his woundis fyue .
As bawme and triacle of moost souerynte .
Clerely distillyng to fynde socor blyue .
Downe fro my son nailed to a tre .
Trust in his mercye and I will go be twene .
And humbly knele be fore his face .
ffor all mankynde be mediatrix and mene .
Of synfull folke to releue þe trispace .
That he with vengeaunce shall hem not manace .
Like þeire demerites to shewe his crueltee .
Bot shewe to þam his mercy and his grace .
That for þere loue was nailed to a tre .