a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum:
Cambridge Jesus College Q.G.8 Verses

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f.21 recto
Folio 20 RectoFolio 20 VersoFolio 21 RectoFolio 21 VersoFolio 22 RectoFolio 22 Verso

Folio 21 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
Ppeple vnkynde why wist þu none hede take .
To se thy lord of hell erth and heuen .
Meeke as a lambe thus offrid for þi sake .
To sle þe dragon with his hedis seuen .
Daunting þe power of his infernal leuene .
Out of his thraldome to make ye go fre .
With many mo woundes þan eny man can nevene .
Whan he at calvarie was nailed to a tre .
It is a mervale or any maner wounder .
Þof I full oft wowne for greuaunce .
Was euer moder outhir here or yonder .
That for hire childe felt more Penaunce .
Myn inwarde sorowes can fynde none allegeaunce
Ich howre renewing it will now other be .
Whan euer it cometh to my Remembraunce .
How my son was nailed to a tre .
The lymmes feble vpon the feete to stonde .
Whan I allas considre and do be holde .
This pitios matier þat we have on honde .
ffull litill mervale þof my herte colde .
Myn haundis craumpyssing I may them not vnfolde .
To goon vpright I haue no foote or kne .
My paynes passe all turmentis newe or olde .
Thus to se my sone nailed to a tre .
Ageyn the guyse of kingis riche crownes .