a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum:
Cambridge Jesus College Q.G.8 Verses

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f.20 recto
Folio 20 RectoFolio 20 VersoFolio 21 RectoFolio 21 VersoFolio 22 RectoFolio 22 Verso

Folio 20 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
My dere son blede in euery weyne .
Be twix two thewes nayled to a tre .
Who shall of wepyng giff me suffisaunce .
Or to my sobbyng who shall my teres fynde .
To see my ioye my hartis high plesauncce .
My swete sone þat was to me so kynde .
Railed with rede bloode as sappe doth þurth þe rynde .
Thurgh his enmys wengeable crueltee .
Dirkenyd with dethe his eyne nowe made blynde1 .
A twix two thewes nailed to a tre .
My ioye my light my lanterne moost entier .
This heuenly phebus is clepsid of his light .
Þis Esperus hath hidd his bemys clere .
And is of now corteynde for my sight .
Whan shall this day sterre shew me his bemys bright .2
To clere the trouble of myne aduersite .
Parde þe jewes doon me to grete vnright .
To naile my sone allas vnto a tre .
All the doughtren of Ierusalem .3
Haue some compassion on my sighes depe .
Not like þe gladnes which I had in bedlem .
Come nere of reuthe and helpe me for to wepe .
A swerd of deth doth thorowe my herte crepe .
I fele it full well of modirly pitee .
Craumpasshed with swonyng I do slepee .
  1. The "de" here has been corrected and written over another glyph, but the glyph cannot be made out.
  2. "Sterre" in this line appears to have been inserted into a provided space, as the ink color is darker than the rest of the line and is similar to that of the "de" correction noted above.
  3. the continuous bar beginning over the r, passing through the l, and concluding over the m suggests that the l should be considered as part of an abbreviation rather than as seperate glyph bracketed by two suspensions.