a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum:
Cambridge Jesus College Q.G.8 Verses

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f.20 verso
Folio 20 RectoFolio 20 VersoFolio 21 RectoFolio 21 VersoFolio 22 RectoFolio 22 Verso

Folio 20 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
To see my son thus nailed to a tre .
A gentill princesses and ladies of estate .
And ye virgyns in youre entent moost clene .
To gyff me comfort þat stood all desolate .
Renneth a paas to se þe woundes grene .
Of your true spouse of bleding pale and leue .
And aduertiseth and hath now reuth on me .
ffeynt for to stonde for how shuld I sustene .
To se my sone þus nailed to a tre .
And all ye women to appeise my heuynes .
Remembrith þe processe of his dredfull victory .
Se to fore pilat by many false witnes .
How he was dampned in þe consistorye .
Redd ye euer or saw in historye .
Of ony sorwes þat may compared be .
Vnto the sorwes graue in my memorie .
To se my sone þus nailed to a tre .
And if ȝe like of reuth for to lere .
And at my terys yeue ȝe not disdeyne .
Bot of compassion mekely list to here .
How a sharpe swerde my herte hath carue on tweyne .
A swerde of sorowe þurth percide euery vayne .
How deth hath slayne my sone and sparith me .
Allas fro wepyng how sholde I me restreyne .
To se my sone þus nailed to a tre .