Thus deth with deth / was outraied
& brou
ght lowe
Mankyndes quarel / maad victorious
ffor than
leviathan / was bounde and ovirthrowe
whan with his tryvmphis / moost singuler glorious
My sone had fowten / with his blood precious
Conqueryd the drago
un / for al his fel poste
And dryve hym hom / to his infernal hows
Whan first my sone / was nailed to a tre
Lat euery man / in this mateer tak heede
And euery woman / in this world a lyve
Com neer to me / to seen his woundis bleede
his love his deth / his kyndnesse to descryve
to see the mysteryes / of his woundys fyve
As bawme and tryacle / of moost soverynte
Cleerly distillyng / to fynde socour blyve
un from my sone / nailed to a tre
Trust in his mercy / and I wil go betwene
And humbly kneele / beforn his face
ffor al mankynde / be mediatrice and mene
of synful folk / to releve the trespace
that he with vengaunce / shal them nat manace
lyk ther demerytis / to shewe his cruelte
but shewe to them / his mercy and his grace
That for ther love was nailed to a tre