O gentil princessis / and ladies of estat
And ye virgines / in your entent moost cleene
To yeue me comfort / that al desolat
Rennyth apaas to see the woundys greene
Of your trewe spouse / of bleedyng pale
& leene
And aduertiseth / and hath now routhe on me
ffeynt for to stonde for how shuld I susteene
To see my sone / thus nailed to a tre
And alle ye women / tapese myn hevynesse
Remembrith the p
rocesse / of this dreedful victory
See to for
pilat / by many fals witnesse
How he was dampnyd / in the consistory
Bad ye evir / or sau
gh in history
of ony sorwys / that may comparyd be
vnto the sorwes / grave in my memory
To see my sone thus nailed to a tre
And yif ye like / of routhe for to lere
and at my terys / yif ye nat disdeyne
but of compassio
un / meekly list to here
how a sharp swerd / myn hert hath corve on tweyne
A swerd of sorwe / thoru
gh percyd every veyne
Now deth hath slayn my sone / and sparith me
Allas fro weepyng / how shuld me restreyne
To see my sone / thus nailed to a tre