ffor mannys love / he fau
ght a gret batail
with his sevene hedys / he outraied þe drago
lyk my
sampson / withoute plate or mayl
In his strong fi
ght / he stranglid the leo
thus was my sone / mankyndis champio
gh his moost my
ghty magnanymyte
kyng and
bisshop / made his oblacio
vpon the hi
gh auhter / of the roode tre
My sonys suffra
unce / to sathan was gret wrak
whos gret meeknesse / did I nou
gh suffise
Cleerly figured / whan that
was by his fadir / offrid in sacrifise
Nat disobeyeng / in no maner wyse
but like a lamb / of lownesse list nat fle
But moost myn herte / that tyme did agrise
Whan I first sauh hym nailed to a tre
He myhte be callyd
Eleasar the secounde
the Champio
un / moost my
għty and notable
That gaf
tholifaunt / his last mortal wounde
Machabeorum / this stoory is no fable
And as
hercules / in his conquestys stable
bar vp the heuenys / in his humanyte
ffor whom my sorwys / wer maad moost lamentable
whan I beheeld hym / thus nailed to a tre