Geyn the guyse / of kynges riche crownes
My deere sone / weryd a crowne of thorn
Of gold and perle / ageyn ther statly gownes
Ageyn ther rydyng / gret meyne them beforn
My sone on foote / hath his cros I born
Ageyn ther seetys / of stonys and perre
And for mankynde / that was thoruh synne lorn
He poore and nakyd / was nailed to a tre
Ageyn ther beddyn / statly hi
gh and softe
Of worldly pryncis / with pilwes for ther hed
Vpon the Roode / my sone was lefft a loffte
With bloody purpil / his mantil maad al red
Markid with a spere / and for mankynde ded
And gruchchid no thyng / thoruh his humylite
To me noon ese / what that I took heed
And sau
gh my sone / thus nailed to a tre
Adamys synne / thus was my sone slayn
gh the Oold serpent bi thassent of eve
Whan thoruh my meeknesse / mankynde was mad fayn
Hir name turnyd / ther thraldam to releve
gabriel cam / my meeknesse for
to preve
Sent by oon accoord / of al the trynyte
But ful soore aftir / it did my herte greve
Whan I my sone sau
gh nailed to a tre