a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum:
British Library Harley 2255 Verses

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f.68 recto
Folio 66 VersoFolio 67 RectoFolio 67 VersoFolio 68 RectoFolio 68 VersoFolio 69 RectoFolio 69 Verso

Folio 68 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
O peeple vnkynde / why wilt thu noon heed take
To see the lord / the lord of helle erthe and hevene
Meek as a lamb / thus offrid for thy sake
to sle the dragoun / with his hedys sevene
Dauntyng the power / of his infernal levene
Out of his thraldam / to make the go fre
with many mo woundys / than any man kan nevene
Whan he at Caluary was nayled to a tre
Is it a merveil / or any maner wondir
Thouh I ful ofte / swowne for grevaunce
Was evir moodir / outhir heer or yondir
That for her child / felte moore penaunce
Myn inward sorwys / can fynde noon allegaunce
Eche hour renewyng / it wyl noon othir be
whan evir it comyth / to my remembraunce
how that my sone / was nailed to a tre
The lymes feble / vpon my feet to stonde
whan I allas / concidre and so beholde
this pitous mateer / that we han on honde
fful litil mervail / though my herte colde
Myn handys craunpisshe / I may them nat vnfolde
To goon vpright / I ha no foot nor kne
My peynes passe / all turmentis newe & olde
To see my sone / thus nailed to a tre