a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum:
Laud 683 Verses

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f.80 verso
Folio 78 RectoFolio 78 VersoFolio 79 RectoFolio 79 VersoFolio 80 RectoFolio 80 VersoFolio 81 Recto

Folio 80 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
Nat dẏsobeẏing // in no maner wyse
But lyk a lamb // of lownesse lyst nat ffle
But most mẏn herte // that tẏme did agrẏse
whan I first sauħ hẏm // naẏlled to a tre
He myħte be callid // Eleasar the secounde
the champioun // moost mẏghtẏ and notable
that gaf tholysaunt // his laste mortal wounde
Machabeorum // this storẏ ẏs no ffable
and as hercules // in his conquestis stable
Bar up the hevenẏs // in his humanẏte
for whom mẏ sorwis // wer maad most lamentable
whan I be held hẏm // thus naẏlled to a tre
Thus deth with deth // was outraied & brought lowe
mankẏndẏs quarel // maad vẏctorẏous
for thanne leviathan // was bounde and over throwe
whan with his tryvmphes // most sẏnguler glorious
mẏ sone had faught // with his blood precẏous
conquorẏd the dragoun // for al his ffel pouste
and drẏve hẏm hom // to his Infernałł hous
whan first mẏ sone // was naẏlled to a tre
Lat euerẏ man // in this mater take heede
and euerẏ woman // in this world a lẏve
come ner to me // to seen his woundẏs bleede
his love his deth // his kẏndenesse to descrẏve
To se the mẏsterẏes // of his woundẏs ffẏve
as bawme and trẏacle // of most souereẏnte