a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum:
Laud 683 Verses

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f.80 recto
Folio 78 RectoFolio 78 VersoFolio 79 RectoFolio 79 VersoFolio 80 RectoFolio 80 VersoFolio 81 Recto

Folio 80 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
vp on the roode / mẏ sone was lẏfft a loffte
with bloodẏ purpil // hẏs mantel maad al reed
marked with a spere // and for mankẏnde ded
and grucched no thẏng / thoruħ his humẏlẏte
To me noon ese / whanne that I took heed
and sauħ mẏ sone // thus naẏlled to a tre
For adamhis sẏnne // thus was mẏ sone slaẏn
thoruħ the olde serpent // bẏ thassent of Eve
whan thoruħ mẏ meknesse // mankẏnde was maad ffaẏn
hir name turned // ther thraldam to Releve
and Gabrẏełł kam // mẏ meeknesse ffor to preve
Sent bẏ on accord // of al the Trẏnẏte
but ful sore affter // it dẏd mẏn herte greve
whanne I mẏ sone sauħ naẏlled to a tre
For manhis love // he faught a gret bataẏłł
with his sevene hedẏs // he outraẏed the dragoun
lẏk mẏħtẏ Sampsom // with oute plate or maẏłł
In his strong ffẏght // he strangeled the lyoun
Thus was mẏ sone // mankẏndẏs Champẏoun
througħ his most mẏgħtẏ magnanẏmẏte
as kẏng and bẏsshop // made his oblacẏoun
vp on the hiħ auhter // of the Roode tre
Mẏ sonẏs suffraunce // to sathan was grat wrak
whos gret meknesse // dyd I nouħ suffẏse
Cleerlẏ ffẏgured // whanne that ẏsaak
was bẏ his ffader // offred in sacrẏfẏse