Is it a mervaẏłł / or anẏ manor wonder
Though I ful offte / swowne for grevaunce
Was euere modor / outher here or ẏonder
That for hẏr Chẏld / ffelte more penaunce
n Inward sorwẏs can ffẏnde noon allegaunce
Ech hour renewẏng it wẏl noon other be
whan euere it cometh to mẏ remembraunce
how that mẏ sone was naẏlled to a tre
The lemẏs ffeble / vp on mẏ foot to stonde
whanne I allas / consydre and do be holde
This pitous mateer // that we hav on honde
fful lẏtełł mervaẏłł // thouħ mẏ
n herte colde
n handẏs crau
npisshed // I maẏ them nat
To goon vpright I haue no ffoot nor kne
mẏ peẏnes passe alle tormentẏs newe and olde
To se mẏ sone // thus naẏlled to a tre
Geẏn the guẏse // of kẏnges riche crownes
mẏ dere sone werẏd / a Crowne of thorn
of gold and perle // ageẏn ther statelẏ gownes
ageẏn ther ridẏng // gret meẏne them be forn
mẏ sone on ffoote // hath his cros I born
ageẏn ther setẏs / of stones and perre
and for mankẏnde // that was thoruħ synne lorn
he pore and naked // was naẏlled to a tre