a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum:
Laud 683 Verses

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f.79 verso
Folio 78 RectoFolio 78 VersoFolio 79 RectoFolio 79 VersoFolio 80 RectoFolio 80 VersoFolio 81 Recto

Folio 79 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
Is it a mervaẏłł / or anẏ manor wonder
Though I ful offte / swowne for grevaunce
Was euere modor / outher here or ẏonder
That for hẏr Chẏld / ffelte more penaunce
mẏn Inward sorwẏs can ffẏnde noon allegaunce
Ech hour renewẏng it wẏl noon other be
whan euere it cometh to mẏ remembraunce
how that mẏ sone was naẏlled to a tre
The lemẏs ffeble / vp on mẏ foot to stonde
whanne I allas / consydre and do be holde
This pitous mateer // that we hav on honde
fful lẏtełł mervaẏłł // thouħ mẏn herte colde
mẏn handẏs craunpisshed // I maẏ them nat vnfolde
To goon vpright I haue no ffoot nor kne
mẏ peẏnes passe alle tormentẏs newe and olde
To se mẏ sone // thus naẏlled to a tre
Geẏn the guẏse // of kẏnges riche crownes
mẏ dere sone werẏd / a Crowne of thorn
of gold and perle // ageẏn ther statelẏ gownes
ageẏn ther ridẏng // gret meẏne them be forn
mẏ sone on ffoote // hath his cros I born
ageẏn ther setẏs / of stones and perre
and for mankẏnde // that was thoruħ synne lorn
he pore and naked // was naẏlled to a tre
Ageẏn the beddẏs // statelẏ hiħ and soffte
of wordlẏ prẏncẏs / with pelwẏs for ther hed