Mẏ joie mẏ lẏght / mẏ lanterne moost Entẏeer
This hevenlẏ phebus / is clẏpped of his lẏght
This Esperus // hath hẏd hẏs bemẏs Cleer
And is of newe / corteẏned ffrom mẏ sight
whan shal this daẏ sterre // shewe me his bemẏs briħt
To clere the trouble / of mẏn a
parde the jewẏs / do me to gret vnright
To naẏlle mẏn sone / allas on to a tre
O alle ẏe douhtren of jerusaleem
Haue som compassiou
n // of mẏn siħes deepe
nat lẏk the gladnesse / wich I hadde in bedleem
kom neer of routhe / and helpe me for to wepe
a sword of deth // doth thoruh mẏn herte crepe
I ffele it ffułł weełł / of modẏrly pẏte
npisshed w
ith deth / swownẏng I do
To se mẏ sone / thus naẏlled to a tre
O gentẏl prẏncessis // and ladẏes of Estaat
and ẏe virgẏnes / in ẏour entent most clene
To ẏeve me comfort that stonde al desolaat
Renneth a pas // to se the woundẏs grene
Of ẏoure trewe spouce / of bledẏng pale
& lene
And aduertyseth / and hath now rowthe on me
ffeẏnt for to stonde // for how sholde I sustene
To se mẏ sone / thus naẏlled to a tre