a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum:
Laud 683 Verses

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f.79 recto
Folio 78 RectoFolio 78 VersoFolio 79 RectoFolio 79 VersoFolio 80 RectoFolio 80 VersoFolio 81 Recto

Folio 79 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
And alle ẏe women / tappere mẏn heuẏnesse
remembreth the processe / of his dredful victorie
So to for pilat / bẏ manẏ fals wẏtnesse
how he was dampned in the Concẏstorẏe
Radde ẏe euere // or sauh in his storẏs
Of anẏ sorwes // that maẏ compared be
on to the sorwẏs // grave in mẏ memorẏe
To se mẏ sone / thus naẏlled to a tre
And ẏif ẏe lẏke // of routhe for to leere
and at mẏ terẏs ẏeve ẏe nat dẏsdeẏne
but of compassioun // meeklẏ lẏst to heere
how a sharp suerd / mẏn hert hath corve on tweẏne
A1 swerd of sorwe / thoruħ perced euerẏ veẏne
now deth hath slaẏn mẏ sone and spareth me
allas fro wepẏng // how sholde I me restreẏne
To se mẏ sone // thus naẏlled to a tre
O peple onkẏnde / whẏ wil ẏe noon heed take
to se the lord // of helle erthe and hevene
meek as a lamb / thus offred for ẏour sake
To sle the dragoun / with his hedẏs sevene
dauntẏng the power // of his Infernal levene
Out of his thraldam / to make ẏow go ffre
with manẏ mo woundẏs / than anẏ man can nevene
whan he at Calvarẏ / was naylled to a tre
  1. This appears to have been an intentional decoration of a mid-stanza capital, perhaps to draw emphasis to the line. Unlike where it occurs in other witnesses, it does not take the place of rubrication or illustration of the capital of the next stanza.