This noble prynce most royall of estate
hauynge an eyghe / to this mortall debate
ffirst aduertinge / of full hygħ prudence
wyll vnavysed gyue here no sentence
with oute counsaylle / of haste to precede
by sodeyne dome / for he taketh heede
to eyther partye / at Iuge in differente
seinge the paryll / of hasty Iudgmente
pourposith him / in this contynued stryffe
to gyue no sentence ther of diffynytyue
til ther be made examynacionh
of other partye and Inquysiciounh
he considereth / and maketh
raysoun his guyd
as egall Iudge enclyninge to no syde
not w
ith standynge he hath compassyony
of the poure husbandes trybulacyon
sso offt arrested / w
ith ther wyues rokes
which of there distaues / haue so many knokes
paysinge also in his regallye
the lawe þ
at wemen alegge for ther p
custome nature and eke p
statute vsed / by confirmacyouny
processe and date of tyme out of mynd
recorde of cronycles witnesse of ther kynd
wherfore þ
e kynge / woll all this next yeare
that wyues franchyse stand hole and entyre
and that no man with stand it ne wyth drawe
till man may fynde sume processe out by lawe