a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at Hertford:
British Library Additional 29729 Verses

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f.139 verso
Folio 136 VersoFolio 137 RectoFolio 137 VersoFolio 138 RectoFolio 138 VersoFolio 139 RectoFolio 139 VersoFolio 140 Recto

Folio 139 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
Men maye well gruge / but they shall not chese
custome is vs for nature and vsaunce
to let oure husbandes / lyfe in great noysaunce1
humbely besechynge nowe at on worde
vnto oure lege / and most souerain lorde
vs to defend of his regallye
and of his grace / sustenen our partye
requirynge the statute of olde antiquyte
that in your tyme / it maye confermed be
the complaynte of the lewd husbandis with the cruell
aunswers of ther wyues / hard the kynge and gaue
ther vponn sentence and Iudgemente
This noble prynce most royall of estate
hauynge an eyghe / to this mortall debate
ffirst aduertinge / of full hygħ prudence
wyll vnavysed gyue here no sentence
with oute counsaylle / of haste to precede
by sodeyne dome / for he taketh heede
to eyther partye / at Iuge in differente
seinge the paryll / of hasty Iudgmente
pourposith him / in this contynued stryffe
to gyue no sentence ther of diffynytyue
til ther be made examynacionh
of other partye and Inquysiciounh
he considereth / and maketh raysoun2 his guyd
as egall Iudge enclyninge to no syde
not with standynge he hath compassyony3
of the poure husbandes trybulacyon
sso4 offt arrested / with ther wyues rokes
which of there distaues / haue so many knokes
paysinge also in his regallye
the lawe þat wemen alegge for ther partye
custome nature and eke prescriptiony5
statute vsed / by confirmacyouny6
processe and date of tyme out of mynd
recorde of cronycles witnesse of ther kynd
wherfore þe kynge / woll all this next yeare
that wyues franchyse stand hole and entyre
and that no man with stand it ne wyth drawe
till man may fynde sume processe out by lawe
  1. There is what appears to be a suspension over the "c" here, but it's unclear what is being suspended here.
  2. Bracketed on both sides.
  3. The ascender at the final glyph of "examynacionh" and "Inquysiciounh" at lines eleven and twelve above is absent here, and what is written is the "y" glyph.
  4. S is doubled here, which could be an indication that doubled initial letters are intended to be capitalized.
  5. The terminal glyph here appears to be in a similar position to the one at line fifteen above.
  6. The terminal glyph here appears to be in a similar position to the previous line.