next in order / thys bocher stoute and bould
that killed hath / bulles and bores olde
bartellniew/ for all his brod knyffe
yet durst he neu
er with his sturdy wyffe
in no mater holde champartye
and yff he did / she wolde anon defye
his pompe his pryd with a sterne thought
and sodenly setten hym at nought
though his bely were rounded lyche an ocke
she would not fayle / to gyue the fyrst stroke
for proude pernelle / lyche a champyon
wolde leue hir puddinges / in agreat cawdron
suffer them boylle / and take of them non hede
but with hir skumer reche hym on the heued
she would paye hym and make no delaye
byd hym goo pley hym a twenty deuell weye
she was no cowarde found at suche a nede
hir fyst full oft made his chekes bled
what quarell euer that he agaynst hur sett
she cast hyr not / to dye in his debte
she made no talle / but qwytt hym by and by
his quarter sowde / she payde hym faythfully
and his wagis w
ith all hur beste entente
she made ther of no assyne ment