ffor they afferme / ther is non erthly stryffe
may be compared / to weddynge of a wyffe
and who that euer standeth in the cas
he w
ith his rebecke / may singe full oft allas
lyke as thos hynes / here stande
nge on by on
he maye with them vpon the daunce goon
learne the tras / both at euen and morow
karycantowe/ in tourment and in sorowe
weyle the whyll ellas that he was borne
obbe the reve / that goth here all to forne
he playneth sore / his mariage is not meke
ffor hys wyff
beautryce Bitterswett •
cast vpon him an hougly chere full rowghe
whan he cometh home / full wery from the ploughe
with hugely
chere[stomecke] / dead and pale of chere
In hope to fynde redy his dynner