cely sourechere / his owen precyous spouse
kowde hym rehete whan he cam to house
yf he ought spake whan he fellte payne
agayne one word allwaye he had twayne
she quyte hym euer / ther was nothynge to seche
six for one / of wordes and strokes eche
ther was no men / betwen them for to gone
what eu
er he wan cloutyng ould shone
the werke daye playnly this is no tale
she would on sundaye drynke it at þe ale
his part was none, he sayd not once naye
it is no game but on herenest playe
ffor lacke of wit a man his wyffe to greue
thos husbandmen / who so would them leue
kould yf they dyrst tell In audyence
what foloweth [ther] of wyues to done offence
is non so ould ne ryuell on hur face
with tonge or staffe but þat she doth manasse
mabylle god hur saue and blesse