it longeth to vs / to clappen as a myll
no counsayll kepe / but þe truth out tell
we be not borne / by heuenly Influence
of our nature to kepe vs in sylence
for this is no doute / euery prudent wyffe
hath redy aunswere / in all suche maner stryfe
though thos dotardes / with ther dokked berdes
whycħ straweth oute / as they were made of herdes
haue agayne vs / agrett quarell now sette
I trowe the bakoun / was neuer of h[e]m fette
A waye at dounmiawe / in the pryorye
they wene of vs to haue ay the mastrye
elles thos foles / let them aunswere here to
who can them washe / who can them wringe also
wrynge them the wrynge / so als god vs sped
till that some tyme / we make ther nosis bled
and sowe ther clothes when they be to rente
and cloute ther bacckes till som of vs be shent
lo yet thos foles god gyue them sorowe chaunce
wolle sett ther wyues / vnder gouernaunce
make vs to them / for to lowte lowe
we know to well the bent of Iackes bowe
all that we clayme / we clayme it but of ryte
yf they say nay let preue it out by fyght
we woll v
s ground not vppon womanhede
ffye on them cowardes / when it cometh to nede
we clayme mastry / by prescryption
be longe tytell of successyon
ffrom wyffe to wyffe w
hich we will not lesse