a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
Long Melford Verses

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North Wall (View Model)
First PanelSecond PanelThird PanelFourth PanelFifth PanelSixth PanelSeventh Panel

Fifth Panel
Compare Witnesses:
Alle the tok[...]s of thyn passioun1
we praye2 the ihesu grave hem in oure memorie
onely marked myd centre of oure resoun3
on calverie thyn tryumphal [........]
man to restore to thyn eternall g[.....]4
by mediacoun of thyn meke sufferauns5
out of the exile vnsure and transitorie
whan we hens passe shrift hosell and repentaunce
  1. The third word is “tokens” based on the other manuscript witnesses and the remnants left in the chapel, but not enough remains to be sure of the spelling. The hooked top of the second letter of the fourth word is visible, as is the very top of the first letter of the fifth, indicating a break between the two. This, when combined with the other witnesses, suggests the terminal letter of the fifth word is “f” rather than “s,” making the word here “of.”
  2. While the third letter of the second word is damaged, the straight rather than diagonal bow indicates an “a” rather than an “e” here.
  3. The last three words of this line are badly damaged, but enough of the unique features of the letter forms remain to determine spelling.
  4. Although it is damaged, here the third word appears to combine both the “or” ligature and the suspension mark used for terminal “e” throughout the chapel. Additionally, while the fifth word is badly damaged the upper portion of the ascender on the second letter can be seen, and when combined with the final letter and the remnant of the crossbar on the initial letter the word may be determined.
  5. The artist here deviates from his practice elsewhere in the chapel of pairing the spellings of rhyming words.