a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
Long Melford Verses

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North Wall (View Model)
First PanelSecond PanelThird PanelFourth PanelFifth PanelSixth PanelSeventh Panel

Fourth Panel
Compare Witnesses:
And yit on request in especiall
graunte vs ihesu whill we be here1 alyue
euyre to haue enprynted in oure memoriall2
the rememberaunce of thyn woundes fyue
nayles3 with the spere that dyd thyn herte ryue
t[..] [......] of thorn which was no smal penaunce4
lang[....] [...] [.....] [.]s duely to shriue5
the holy vncioun shrifte hosell and repentaunce
  1. The remnant of the abbreviation indicating the terminal “e” can be seen just above the “r” in the panel.
  2. The top of the “or” ligature is visible just to the right of the third letter, which is a partially damaged “m.” The top of the asenders for the two “l’s” at the end of the word are visible as well. The remainder of the spelling is speculative based on the space and “especiall” on the first line.
  3. The first three letters in the initial word are missing, although there is a slight remnant of a minim for the third letter visible. Since there is no indication of a tittle above that minim, the word is likely “nayles.”
  4. Although badly damaged, the initial “t” of the line is visible, as are remnants of the third word, “of.”
  5. The initial letters indicate that the first word is likely “language,” but the remainder of the word and the two following are so damaged that anything further would be too speculative. The leftmost minim and the bottom of the terminal “s” in the fourth word suggest “us,” but it is impossible to know if the initial letter of that word is “u” or “v.”