a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
Long Melford Verses

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Compare Witnesses:
Cryenge to the t[...] [.......] [..] the [.....]
which with thyn blood were s[......] and made [...]1
and on sherthursday gaf vs to [...] foode2
thyn blissed body ihesu in forme of breed
to vs most synfull graunte or we be ded
to [.....] [..] [....]y f[..] [...] [...]er[.......]3
that wyth sharp thorne were crowne on t[..] hed4
or we passe hens shrifte hosell and repentaunce
  1. The second letter of the fifth word is missing, but the context and manuscript witnesses suggest it should be “were” The initial “s” in the sixth word is partially visible, but nothing remains of the rest of the word to indicate proper spelling.
  2. While the initial letter of the final word in this line is missing, enough remains of the rest of the word to indicate it was rendered “oode.” From the other manuscript witnesses, the initial letter must have been an “f.” This also suggests that the spelling of the missing terminal word in the first line was likely “roode.”
  3. Too much of this line is missing to accurately determine spelling, and thus I have only attempted to provide those letters whose features were unique enough to identify without question.
  4. Enough remains of the letter forms in the fourth word to indicate that the second letter is “h,” the third is “o,” and the terminal letter of the word is “e.” Thus the word is likely “thorne.” Likewise, the initial letter of the terminal word in the line can be determined to be “h” based on the unique descender of that letter, thus identifying that word as “hed.” The penultimate word in the line is more difficult, as there is not enough remaining to indicate spelling definitively.