This fayre lady that ye sene
humble debonare / and sadd of chere
I called is attemperaunce
to sett all thinge in gouernaunce
and for hir susters to provyd
vyces all shall circumsyde
and setten them in stabulnesse
with hir cousin
soburnesse •
she shall from vyces them restreyne
and in vertue hold hur reyne
and ther in gyue them liberte
eschuynge all dishoneste
and them in furmen by prudence
and pryd specially to flee
contynence from glotenye
eschue dishonest companye
fflen the dyte and the tauerne
and in soburnesse them gouerne
ith hart all euer they can
In vertu louen euery man
sey the best ay of entent
who that seyth well doth not repente