Soth here this lady
of all vertues she is prycesse
for by the scales of hur ballaunce
she sett them all in gouernaunce
she putteth asyde it is no drede
frenshipe fauour / and all hines nede
loue and
drede She setteth at
ffor rightfull dome may not be boughte
ryghtwysnes who can esspye
hath neyther hand nor eyghe
she loste hur hand full ther agone
ffor she reseyueth gyftes none
nother of frend nother of foo
and she hath lost hur syght allso
for of ryghte she dothe provyde
nought for to loke on neyther syde
to hyghe estate no lowe degre
but doth to boden all
and maketh non excepcion
to nayther part but of rayson