Loo here this lady that ye may see
whych that called is fortune
for selde in one she dothe continewe
ffor as she hathe a doubell face
right so euery oure and space
she chaungeth hur condysyones
ay full of transmutacyons
lyche as the romaynes of the rose
descryveth hur / with outen glose
and telleth pleynly / how that she
hath hur dwellynge in the see
Ioyninge to a baryn roche
and on that on syde doth approche
alytell mountayn lyke an yle
n whyche land som
ther growen freshe floures nowe
wonder lusty of ther hue
dyuers tres with frute elade
and byrdes with ther notes glade
than singen / and maken melodye
In ther heuynly hermo