And more my mercy / to put at a pref
To eu
ery synner / that non ne shal it mysse
Remembre how / I gaf mercy to the thief
Whiche had so longe / trespassed and done amysse
Went he nat frely / with me to paradise
Have this in mynde / how it is my guyse
Al repentaunt to / brynge hem to my blisse
Ffor whom my bloode / I gaf in sacrifice
Tary no lenger / to thyn owne heritage
hast onthy wey / and be of right goode chere
Go eche day onwarde / on thy pilgremage
Thynk how short / thow shalt abyden here
Thy place is bilt / a bove the sterris clere
No erthely paleys / wrougħt in so stately wise
Com on my brother / my friende most entiere
Ffor the I offred / my bloode in sacrifice