Agayne thy pryde / beholde my mekenes
Agayne thyn envye / beholde my charite
Agayne thi lechery / beholde my chast clennes
Ageyne thy covetise / beholde my pou
Atwene two thevis / nayled to a tree
Rayled with rede bloode / they luft me so disguyse
Behold o man al this I dide for the
meke as a lamb / offred in sacrifice
Beholde my love / and gyf me tyne ageyne
Behold I deyed / thy raunsoms for to paye
Se how myn hert / is open brode and playne
Thy gostly enemyes / only to affraye
Anharder bataile / no man migħt assaye
Of al tryumphes / the grettest higħ emp
Wherfor oman / no lengger the dismaye
I gaf my bloode / for the in sacrifice
Turne home agayne / they synne do forsake
Be holde and se if ougħt be left be hynde
How I to mercy / am redy the to take
Gyve me thyn hert / and be nomore vnkynd
Thy love and myn / to gyder do hem bynd
And late hem neu
er / part in no wise
Whan thou were lost / thi soule ayen to fynde
My bloode I offred / for the in sacrifice
Emprynt these tynges / in thyn Inward thought
And grave hem deepely / in thy remembraunce
Thynk oon hem wele / and foogete hem nought
Al this I suffred / to do the allegeaunce
and with my seyntes / to yeve the suffisaunce
In the hevenly court / for the I dide devise