a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Harley 2251 Verses

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f.40 verso
Folio 40 RectoFolio 40 VersoFolio 41 RectoFolio 41 VersoFolio 42 Recto

Folio 40 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
Behold the mynistres / which had me in hepyng
Beholde the pillor / and the Roapis stronge
Where I was bounde / my sides downe bledyng
Most felly bete / with theyr scourgis longe
Beholde the bataile / that i dide vndergone
The wrong abidyng / of theyr mortal emprise
Thurgħ theyr accusyng and sklandres wrong
Was like a lamb / offrid in sacrifice
Behold and se / the hateful wrecchidnes
put ageyn me / to my confusioun
My eyen hydde / and blynded with derknesse
Beten and eke bobbed / by false Illusioun
Salued in skorne / by theyre false knelyng downe
Behold al this / and se the mortal guyse
how I only / for mannys saluacioun
Was like a lamb / offred in sacrifice
Se the wintes / by whom I was deceyved
Beholde the Iuges / that gaf my Iugement
Beholde the crosse / that was for me devised
Beholde my body / with beyng al to Rent
Beholde the peple / the whiche of false entent
Causeles dide / ageyn me rise
Whiche like a lamb / of malise Innocent
Was for mankynde / offrid in sacrifice
Beholde the wymmen / that folwed me aferre
That sore wept / whan I thus was assailed
Beholde the Jewis / whiche by cruel werre
Han my body / to acrosse I nayled
Byholde my tormentis / most sharply apparayled
Atwene two thevis / put to my Iowise
Behold how mochel / my deth eke avayled
That was for man / offrid in sacrifice