a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
Quis Dabit Meo Capiti Fontem Lacrimarum:
St. John 56 Verses

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f.74 verso
Folio 73 VersoFolio 74 RectoFolio 74 Verso

Folio 74 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
Ayen the gyse / of kynges riche crownes
My dere sone weryd / a crowne of thornis ؛
Off gold and perle / ageyne ther statly gownes
Ageyne ther rydynge / grete meyne them beforne ؛
My sone on fote / hathe his crosse I borne ؛
Ageyn your soffte pasis / sore drevyn was hee ؛
All for mankinde / that for synne was borne ؛
He poore and nakyd / was nayled to a tree ؛
Ageyne the beddys / statly hygh and sofft ؛
Off wordly princys / with pylows for ther heed ؛
Vppon þe roode / my soone was lyfft on lofft ؛
With blody [?] / his mantell maad all reed ؛
Marked with a spere / and for mankynd deed ؛
And growerched no þing / thorough his humylte ؛
To me noone eese / what þat I took hede ؛
And saugh my sone / þus nayled to atree ؛
ffor Adam ys synne / þus was .. my sone slayne ؛
Thorough þe olde serpent / be thassent of eue ؛
Whanne þorough my meknesse / mankynde was mad fayne ؛
Hyr name turned / ther thraldam to releue
And gabrell cam / my meknesse . for to preue ؛
Sent be oon accord / of all the Trynyte ؛
But full soore afftyr / he dede myn herte greue ؛
Whan I my soone saugh / nayled to a tree ؛
ffor manys loue / he faught a grete batalye ؛
With his seuene hedis / he outrayed þe dragounn ؛
Lyk myghty sampsoun / with out on plate or mayle ؛
In hys stronge fyght / he stranglyd þe lyoun ؛
That was my sone / mankyndys campioun ؛
Thorough this moost myghty / magnanymyte ؛
As kyng and bysshop / made his oblaciounn ؛
Vppon the hygh auter / of þe roode tree ؛
My sones suffraunce / to Sathan was grete wrake ؛
Whos gret meknesse / dede I nowgh suffyse ؛
Clerly fygured / whann þat Isaac ؛
Was be his ffadyr / offryd in sacryfyce ؛
Nat dys obeying / in no manere wyse ؛
But lyke an vmble lamb / þat tyme dyde agryse ؛
But moost myn herte / þat tyme dyde agryse ؛
Whan I fyrst saugh / hym . nayled to a tree ؛
He myght be called