He myght be called / eleazar the secunde ؛
The chamnpyoun / moost myghty and notable ؛
That yaff the olyfaunt / hy laste his laste mortall wounde
rum / this story ys no fablee ؛
And hercules / in his conquest stable ؛
Bar vp the heuenys / in his humanytee ؛
Ffor whom ony sorowes / wer maad moost lamentable ؛
Whan I be hylde hym / þus nayled to atree ؛
Thus dethe with dethe / outrayed and brought lowe ؛
Mankyndys quarell / made victorious ؛
ffor than leuiathan / was boundon and ou
er throwe
Whan with his Tryumphes / moost singular glori
My sone had fought / w
ith his blood
recious ؛
Conquerd the dragoun / for all his feste fell pouste ؛
And dreue hym hom / to his in fernall house ؛
Whanne fyrst my soone / was nayled to atree ؛
Lete eu
ery man / in this mateer take hede ؛
And euery woman / in this world a lyue ؛
Com nere to me / see his sydes blede ؛
His loue / his deethe / his kindnesse to dyscryue ؛
To see mysteres / of his woundes fyue ؛
As bawme and tracle / of moost souereynte ؛
Clerly dystyllynge / to fynde socour blyue ؛
Doun fro my soone / nayled to atree ؛
Trust in his mercy / and I wyll goo betwene ؛
And humbly knele / be fore his fface ؛
Ffor all mankynde / be medyatryce / and mene ؛
Off synfull folk
is / to releue the trespace ؛
That he with vengeaunce / schall hem nat manace
Lyk hed her dysmerytes / to schewe ther cruelte ؛
But schewe to hem / his mercy and his grace ؛
That for ther loue / was nayled to a tree . Amen ؛