All ye women / to appese myne heuynesse ؛
Remenbrethe / and haue now rewthe on me ؛
Sethe to fore pylate / be mannes fals wytnesse ؛
Howe he was dampned / in þe concistorye
Cled ye eu
ere / or sawe in story
Off ony sorwes / þat may compard bee ؛
Vn to the sorowes / grauen in my memorye ؛
To see my soone / þus nayled to a tree ؛
And yeff ye lyke / of rewthe for to lere ؛
And atte my teerys / yiff ye nat dysdeyne ؛
But of Compassioun / mekly lest to here ؛
Howe a scharp swerd / myne herte hathe corven I tweyne
A swerd of sorowe / þorugh percyd eu
ery veyne
And dethe hathe slayne / my sone and spared me ؛
Allas fro wepinge / howe schall I me restreyne ؛
To se my sone / thus nayled to a tree ؛
O peple vnkynde / why wyll þu noon hede take ؛
To see the lord of helle / erthe and heuen ؛
Meke as a lamb / þus offrd for thy sake ؛
To slee the dragoun / with his hedes seuen ؛
Daqntyng þe power / of his infernall leuen ؛
Out of his thraldam / to make þe goo free
With many woo woundes / þan any man can neven ؛
Whan he at calverye / was nayled to a tree ؛
Is it am
eruayle / or any maner wonder ؛
Though I full offte / swoune for greuaunce ؛
Was ther eu
er moder / oþer heer or yonder ؛
That for her chyld / felt more penaunce ؛
Myne inward sorwes / can fynde noon allegeaunce ؛
Eache hour renewyng / yt wyll noon other be ؛
Whan eu
er yt comethe / to myn my remenbraunce
Howe þat my sone / was nayled to a tree ؛
The lemes feble / vpon my feet to stonde ؛
Whan I allas / consydre and be holde ؛
This petous mateer / þat we haue in honde ؛
fful lytell meruayll / þowgh myne herte colde ؛
myne hondes crampyssh / I may them nat vnfold ؛
To goon voryght / I haue noo foot nor knee ؛
My paynesse passe / all tormentis new newe or olde ؛
To see my soone / þus nayled to a tree ؛