a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
Long Melford Verses

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Fourth Panel
Compare Witnesses:
There is no [...] [.] bo[....] [...] [....]ne1
[..........] [...] [...] [....] [.........]
[.......] of fayre erly late and sone2
stable [...] most strong pytous [...] rightfull
[.........] sinnerys that be in vertu dull
[........] [...] proude meknesse to enhaunce
thy tonne of mercy euere ye [....] full
graunte or we deye shrifte hosell and repentaunce
  1. The “i” in “is” and both letters in “no” are damaged, but the remaining minims and spacing indicates they follow the EETS edition. The “b” in “but” remains with damage only at the bottom, but the letter following appears to be an “o” rather than a “u” and the letter following that does not appear to be a “t.” The remnant of the final “n” and much of the “e” remain at the end of the line, but the remainder cannot determine spelling.
  2. The minims that are visible in the Clopton Chapel indicate that the final two letters are “ne.” This makes “sone” the likely spelling.