a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at Windsor:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.37 recto
Folio 36 Recto (Page 71)Folio 36 Verso (Page 72)Folio 37 Recto (Page 73)Folio 37 Verso (Page 74)

Folio 37 Recto (Page 73)
Compare Witnesses:
And þe flour delyce
In hir þer was / so entier diligence
ffully devoyde / of slouthe and necglygence
Ne stynt nougħt / til þat hir lord haþe take
Þe feyth of Cryst / and his errour forsake
Þis made þe kyng / þat crystes feytħ tooke
ffor he was booþe manly and Rigħt wys
Þe three Crepaudes / þis noble kyng forsooke
And in his sheelde he bare thre floure delys
Sent frome heven / a tresore of gret prys
Affter at Reynes / þe story telleþe þus
Baptysed lowly / of saint Remigius
Þaumpolle of gold / a coller brougħt adovne
witħ whicħ he was / þis hooly kyng ennoynt
Gret prees þer was / stonding envyroun
ffor to beholde þe kyng / frome poynt to poynt
ffor where as he / stoode in gret desioynt
ffirst a paynyme / by baptyme anoon rigħt
Was so conuerted / and bekame Crystes knigħt
At Reynes yit / þat hooly vnccyoun
Conserued is for / a Remembraunce
And of coustume / by Reuolucyoun
Of god provyded / witħ due observaunce
Tannoynte of coustume / kynges wheeche in ffraunce
Ioustely succeede / þe story dooþe vs leere
Of whicħ / sixst henry / þat nowe sitteþe here
Rigħt soone shal / witħ goodes hooly grace
As he is borne / by successyoun
Be weel resceyyed1/ in þe same place
And by vertu / of þat vnccyoun
Atteyne in knigħthoode / vn to ful hye Renoun
Resceyve his coroune / he and his successours
By tytle of rigħt / lyche hees progenytours
Nowe Royal braunche / O blood of saint lowys
So lyke it nowe / to þy magnyfycence
Þat þe story of þe flour delys
May here be showed / in þyne hegħe presence
  1. The fourth glyph appears to be a "t," but it might also be an "sc" ligiture." BL Additional 29729 is similarly constructed in a way that might be a ligature.