Hir meryte caused / and hir parfit entent
Þat Crystes feyth / aboute þer did sprede
Whane þat an Aungel / was frome heven sent
Vn to an hermyte / of parfyt lyf in deed
Presented it / whoo so can take heed
A shelde of Azure / moost souerein by devys
And in þe feelde of golde three floure delys
Ioye en Vale / witħ oute more obstacle
ffol al þis cas / where þaungel doune aligħt
A place notable / chosen by myracle
Whicħ thorugħe / al ffraunce shadde his bemys ligħt
God of his grace / caste on þat place a sigħt
ffor to þat Realme / is passing avauntage
In þilke vale was sette þat hermytage
Al þis came In / whoo so list to seen
I dare afferme it / witħ oute any dreed
By parfytnesse / of þe hooly qweene
Saynte Cloote / floure of wommanheed
What euer she spake / acordant was þe deed
I mene it þus / þat worde and worke was oon
It is no wonder / for wymen soo beon echoon
Hir hoolynesse / ffraunce did enlumyne
And Crystes fayth / gretly magnefye
Loo what grace / dooþe in wymmen shyne
Whas assuraunce / noman may denye
To seye pleyne troutħ / nys no flaterye
But stabulnesse / In wym
men for to fynde
Deemeþe youre selff / wher it komeþe hem of kynde