that he shuld passe / from paganymes lawe
by prescyence / which that ys deuyne
his hert all holly / and him sellfe with drawe
ffrom his ydoles / And all hys rytes fyne
whan heuenly grace / did vpon hym shyne
by mean only / and by deuoute prayer
of saint
cloote / most goodly and entier
hir hertely loue / hir meditacyons
hir wac[c]hinge hir fastinge / and hir parfyt lyffe
hir stedfast hope / hir holy orisounes
hir conuersacyoun / most contemplatyffe
stynt in ffraunce of maumetrye þ
e stryffe
causing þ
e lawe / most souerein of vertue
to spred abrode / of our lord Ihesu
hir meryte caused / and hur parfyt entent
that crystes feytħ / aboute ther did spred
whan that an aungell / was from heuen sent
vnto an hermyte of parfyt lyffe in dede
presented it / who so can take hede
a sheld of azure / moste soueraygne by deuise
and in the felde of gould thre floure delyse
Ioye en vale w
ith oute more obstacle
ffell all this cas / wher thaungell doun alyghte
a place notable / chosin by myracle
whicħ thorougħe / all ffraunce shadde his bemes lyghte
god of his grace / cast on that place asyte
ffor to that realme / it passynge auauntage
In thilke vale / was sett that ermytage