a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at Windsor:
British Library Additional 29729 Verses

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f.144 recto
Folio 144 RectoFolio 144 VersoFolio 145 RectoFolio 145 Verso

Folio 144 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
Now foloweth next the devyse of amamynge to for the
kynge henry the sixte beinge in his castell of wyndsore
the fest of hys crysmasse holdinge ther made by lidgate
daune Iohnn the munke of bury how pampull / and the
floure delys came first to the kynges of fraunce by
myracles at reynes /
Mooste1 noble prynce / of cristen prynces all
to your highnes / let it be plesaunt
in your presence / men may se to mynd call
how that whylome / oure worthy realme2 of fraunce
conuerted was / from ther mescraunce3
whan the lord of lordes cast asyght
vpon your lande / and made his grace alyght
ffor in the hygh / heuenly consisterye
by full accord / of the trynite
as in cronycles / maked as memory
  1. While the initial is not present here there is a space and guide letter left for it.
  2. There's an erasure here, but the word erased cannot be determined.
  3. While at first glance this appears to be an "st" ligature, comparison with "prescyence" in the first full verse of the following page sugggests that this is, in fact, "sc."