a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming for the Mercers of London:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.87 recto
Folio 85 Recto (Page 171)Folio 85 Verso (Page 172)Folio 86 Recto (Page 173)Folio 86 Verso (Page 174)Folio 87 Recto (Page 175)

Folio 87 Recto (Page 175)
Compare Witnesses:
A Desguysing to þe mayre by þe Goldsmithes
Where certayne vesselles / nowe by þe anker ryde1
Hem to refressħe and to taken ayr
Certein estates / wheche purveye and provyde
ffor to vysyte / and seen þe noble Mayr
Of þis cytee / and maken þeyre repayr
To his presence or þat þey firþer flitte
Vnder supporte / þat he wol hem admytte
  1. MacCraken has a marginal note here that is not part of the original manuscript.