a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming for the Mercers of London:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.86 verso
Folio 85 Recto (Page 171)Folio 85 Verso (Page 172)Folio 86 Recto (Page 173)Folio 86 Verso (Page 174)Folio 87 Recto (Page 175)

Folio 86 Verso (Page 174)
Compare Witnesses:
Desgysinge To Þe mayre
So foorþe by Spaygne goyng envyroun
Thorougħe out þe Raas and rokkes of Bretaygne
Þe brettyssħe see / til that he did atteyne
Thorougħe þilk sakk called of poortland
And towardes Caleys / holding his passage
Lefte Godwyn Sandes / by grace of goddes handes1
havyng his wynde / to his avauntage
Þe weder cleer / þe stormes lefft hir raage
Entryng þe see / of Brutes Albyoun
Nowe called Themse / thorougħe al þis regyoun
And in a ffeeld þat drougħe in to þe Eest
Besyde an ylande / he saugħe a shippe vnlade
Which hade sayled ful fer towarde þe west2
þe Caban3 peynted / witħ floures fressħe and glaade
And lettres frensħe / þat feynt nyl ne faade
Taunt haute4 bas / que homme soyt
Touz Ioures regracyer dieux doyt
And in a boote / on þat oþer syde
Anoþer fissħer / drougħe his nette also
fful of gret fissħe Neptunus5 was his guyde
Witħ so gret plentee / he nyst what til do
And þer were lettres enbrouded not fer froo
fful fressħly wryten /6 þis worde grande peyne7
A8 cloos acording / witħ þis resoun 9
Neptunus is also a goddesse of þe see
Þe noble yllande / where he saugħe þis sight
Gaf vn to him a demonstracion
Taugħt him al so / by þe poolys ligħt
He was not fer / frome londones tovne
And witħ a floode þe pursuryaunt came downe
Lefft þe water / and at Thems stronde
With owte aboode / in haaste / he came to lande
  1. It appears that the scribe's natural inclination was to pluralize "hand" but struck the "-es" off the ending in order to make the line rhyme with "poortland" in line 1. BL Add. 29729 has "gods hand."
  2. McCracken has capitalized "west" here, but that seems inconsistent with how "w" is rendered throughout the work. It also seems incongruous because "Eest" in line one of the verse very obviously is capitalized but he has rendered it in lower case.
  3. McCracken has not capitalized the "C" here but the manuscript indicates it should be, especially when compared with "called" in verse 11.7, "Caleys" in verse 11.2, and "Cyrses" in verse 8.6
  4. McCracken has separated "e" from "haut," but the manuscript treats "haut e" as a single word for orthographic purposes. The same line in BL Add. 29729 is rendered as "haute."
  5. McCracken renders this with parenthesis as it is an aside based on the initial stroke of the "N" in "Neptunus", but there is no subsequent closing parenthesis
  6. The virgule here is obscured by the left hook of the initial thorn.
  7. Bracketed on the left.
  8. McCracken renders this as "A[nd]" but there is nothing indicating an intentional suspension on the part of the scribe. BL Add. 29729 has "A" as well.