a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming for the Goldsmiths of London:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.88 recto
Folio 88 Recto (Page 177)Folio 88 Recto (Page 178)

Folio 88 Recto (Page 177)
Compare Witnesses:
By þe Goldsmythes
1 And he him self / in especyal
Daunsed and sang / of gret humylyte
And ful deuoutely lefft his ryaltee
With Ephod gyrt/ lyche preestis of þe lawe
To gyf ensaumple / howe pryde shoulde beo2 witħdrawe
In yche estate who list þe trouth serche
And to exclude al veyne ambycyoun
Specyally fro mynistres of þe chirche
To whome hit / longeþe / by deuocyoun
To serve god / witħ hool deffeccyoun
And afforne him / mynistre in clennesse
Bensaumple of Dauid for al his worþynesse
Nowe ryse vp lord / in to þy resting place
Aark of þyne hooly halowed mansyoun3
Þou aark of wisdome / of vertu and of grace
Keepe and defende in þy proteccion
Þe Meyre þe Citeseyns / þe comunes of þis tovne
Called in cronycles / whylome nuwe Troye
Graunte hem plente / vertu honnour and Ioye
•• Surge domine in requiem tuam tu est archa
sanctificacionis tue
And for þat meeknesse / is a vertu feyre
Worþy David / witħ kyngly excellence
In goodely wyse haþe made his repayre
O noble mayre / vn to youre presence
And to youre hyegħnesse / witħ freondly dilygence
Þis presande brougħt / oonly for þe best
Perpetuelly þis tovne to sette at rest
Of purpoos put þis Aark to youre depoos
Witħ good entent / to make youre hert ligħt
And þoo three thinges / whicħ þer Inne beo cloos
Shal gif to yowe konnyng / grace and migħt
ffor to gouuerne / witħ wisdome pees and Rigħt
Þis noble Cytee / and lawes suche ordeyne
Þat no man shal haue cause for to compleyne
  1. The scribe made a mistake here, adding the "n" indicating the beginning of a stanza.
  2. MacCraken has "be" here, but there appears to be a full letter after the e rather than an otiose mark.
  3. what appears to be a plus mark in a different ink color is just to this line, but there is no corresponding note