a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming for the Goldsmiths of London:
British Library Additional 29729 Verses

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f.135 recto
Folio 134 RectoFolio 134 VersoFolio 135 RectoFolio 135 Verso

Folio 135 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
And he hym sellfe / In especiall
daunsed and songe1 of great humylite
and full deuoutly leffte hys royallte
with Ephod2 gyrt lyke prestes of the lawe
to gyue ensampell how pryde shuld be with draw
In eche estate who list the truth serche
and to exclud all uayn ambycion
specyally from menesters of þe church
to whome it longeth by deuocion
to serue god with holle deffection
and afferme hym mynister in clennesse
by ensampell of dauid for all his worthynes
Now ryse vp lord in to thy restynge place
Aark off theyne holy halowed mancyon
thou arke of wysdome of vertue and of grace
kepe and defende in thy proteccion
the meyre the shrenes3 and þe comons of this towne
called in cronycles / whylome nuwe troye
graunte them plente vertu honour and Ioye
surge domine in requiem tuam tu
et archa pantificacionis tue
And for þat mekenes is avertu fayre
worthy dauid with kynglye excellence
In goodely wise hath made his repayre
o noble mayre vnto your presence
and to your highnes with frendly deligence
this presaunte brougħt only for the best
perpetually this towne to sett at rest
Off purpos put this arke to your depos
with good entent to mak your herte lyghte
and the thre thynges which ther in be cloos
shall giue to you konnynge grace and myghte
ffor to gouerne / with wisdome pees and ryghte
this noble cytie / and lawes such ordeyne
that no man shall haue cause for to compleyne
  1. Both Trinity R.3.20 and the EETS edition based on Trinity R.3.20 have "sang" here, which makes sense. However, the "a" glyph in this manuscript is created in an entirely different manner than the second glyph in the word here, which makes it more likely that it "songe."
  2. similarly to elsewhere in the manuscript "Ephod" is bracketed on one side, in this case the left.
  3. The other extant witness, Cambridge Trinity R.3.20, has "Citeseyns."