a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at Eltham:
British Library Additional 29729 Verses

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f.136 verso
Folio 135 VersoFolio 136 RectoFolio 136 Verso

Folio 136 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
they well gyue gyfftes / with you and yours dwell
pees vnyte / plente and habundaunce1
so that fortune maye them not repell
not them renewe / thorow ther variaunce
grauntynge also / perseueraunce constaunce
to you presentynge / yff yow list aduerte
aye by encresse Ioye and gladnesse of hert
To your hyghnes / they giue the freshe olyue
by pees toxyle / awaye all heuynesse
prosperytie during all your lyue
and Iuno sent you most Excellent richesse
Loue of all people grounded in stabellnes
with that this reffete / yff you list aduert
Ay by Encresse Ioye and gladnese of hart
Ceres also sent / foulsumnes
ffrom yere to yeare in your court tabyde
aduersyte shall ther / noon manase
but care and sorowe / for euer sett asyd
happ helth and grace chosen to be your gyde
and with all this present giue aduerte
Ay by Encresse Ioye gladness of harte
prynce excellent of your benignyte
taketh thees gyfftes / sent to your hygh noblenesse
Ius2 hygh feest from thes yche three
pees with your leges / plente with gladnesse
at bacus Iuno and ceres bere wytnesse
to you pryncesse also yff ye aduerte
Ay by encresse Ioye gladnesse of harte fynis3
  1. Both here and the word 'vnyte' earlier in the line are boxed on the right.
  2. This appears to be a scribal error, perhaps from a poorly-formed exemplar. Trinity R.3.20 and the E.E.T.S. edition has "Þis," (and Trinity R.3.20 cannot be anything but) suggesting that the scribe misread the exemplar and that that exemplar was likely not Trinity R.3.20.
  3. "fynis" is written here in a different color of ink, and is also bracketed on the right side.