a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming for the Mercers of London:
British Library Additional 29729 Verses

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f.132 verso
Folio 132 VersoFolio 133 RectoFolio 133 VersoFolio 134 Recto

Folio 132 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
william estfeld
meresar mayre
anno domini
1430 also þe
second tyme
mayre anno
here folowythe A letar made in wyse of balad by daun
Johnn lydgat, brought by a pursyvaunt in wyse of
momers dysguysyd to fore þe mayre of london estfeld
vpon the twelffthe nyght of cristmasse ordeyned Ry2
ally by the worthy merciers citesens of london.
m3oste mighty lord Iubyter the gret4
whos mansion is over the sonnes beme
from thens that phebus with his fervent heat
Reflecythe5 his lyght vpon þe swyfte streme
of efrates towardes Jerusaleme6
downe costynge as bokes makyn mynde
by lubyes7 londes / thrughe ethiopeand ynde
Iubiter .i. omnia iubens
phebus .i. sol
efrates is one of þe four
fludes of paradise
Conveyed downe / wher mars in cyria
hathe bylt his palays / vpon þe sondes rede
And she venus / callid cithera
on parnaso / with pallas full of drede
and percius with his furious stede
smot a on the roche / wher þe musis dwell
tyll ther sprange vp / sodenly a well
mars is god of batayll
venus is callyd þe godes of
love / and she is callyd cithera
aftar cithera þe hyll wher
she is worshipyd
percius is a knyght which
rode vpon a hors that was
callyd pegacie8
  1. ODNB reference: https://www-oxforddnb-com.ezphost.dur.ac.uk/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-52172
  2. Word continues below. There are no marks indicating the split
  3. Space for an initial "M" was left but the illuminator never added the initial. The guide letter is still visible, however.
  4. Unlike Trinity R.3.20, the other extant witness of this work, "Jubyter" has not been underlined here. The associated note still exists in the right-hand margin, however.
  5. While usually in this manuscript "t" and "c" can be determined by the height of the ascender and the severity of the hook to the right in this witness the two forms are very similar.
  6. Bracketed on the right.
  7. Trinity R.3.20 underlines "lubyes," suggesting that the exemplar did so as well, but neither extant witness has a marginal note for the reader.
  8. Bracketed on the right.